A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

Be skeptical of ghostly evidence, primarily for yourself

Many of us in the paranormal investigating community have witnessed amazing activity that has radically changed our views. We’ve also experienced the negativity of others who believe we’re delusional.

How can we counteract their criticism?

View all potential evidence of the afterlife with skepticism. That way, we know we disqualify reasonable explanations first. And, further, when we are confident in our judgment, we don’t care what unbelievers say.

My credibility is important to me. I want to know if I’ve really encountered something unusual. Something special. I don’t want to doubt myself.

In most instances, what we first think to be an otherworldly event turns out to be a common occurrence. We all need to learn to examine photos, videos and electronic voice phenomena critically. The last thing any of us wants is to believe something that isn’t true just because we want it to be.

On the Nevada Paranormal Series Facebook page, I routinely ask others to give their input on the authenticity of a particular video or photo. During our last Ghost Hunt Field Trip, I took a photo that ended up with a blue orb in it, something I hadn’t seen before. I sent the three sequential photos to Sharon Leong—an investigator/series instructor who thoroughly understands technology and the reasons for false positives.

An indication of dust close to the camera lens.












She concluded that my “orb” was a stray, out-of-focus dust particle floating very close to my camera lens and was made blue by the building’s lighting and colored decorations. She added that independent balls of spirits generate their own light and aren’t transparent. Also since my orb only appeared in the second of three consecutive photos, it indicated the dust was near the lens, floating into the second frame and out before my third shot.

Later, on our Facebook page, a video was posted from that same night, showing a weird light moving next to my feet during an EVP session. While at first, I thought, “Cool!,” I watched the video several times and realized that another investigator two people down from me had been moving her cell phone just as the light appeared. The harsh ceiling illumination could’ve reflected off the face of the phone, causing the anomaly.

No one wants to be duped by others’ fake evidence. While the majority of investigators are ethical, some aren’t and will do anything to gain attention. They’ll scam people into believing their doctored or set up photos and videos are amazing proof of the paranormal.

I still have a way to go before I’ll feel confident that I can determine whether something I’ve gathered is authentic. But that’s where classes and experienced friends can teach us to become more proficient in this rewarding activity.

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