
5 Spiritual myths revealed

Many hold stereotypes of what spiritually-oriented people are like. Some spiritual gurus may perpetuate these myths. In any case, here’s what I’ve found to be incorrect assumptions based on my experiences and those of my spiritually-driven friends. #1 Myth: When you’re spiritually evolved, you’re always serene and joyful. Truth: Life throws us curve balls. [...]

By |2024-05-03T11:51:06-07:00May 8th, 2024|Spirituality/Christianity|2 Comments

Life’s fragility has purpose

The Most Divine purposely made our earthly experiences contrast from those we had in heaven. The physical dimension rewards us with periods of elation through achievement and passion, while enriching each day with the amazing sensations of touch, scent and taste. However, nothing can challenge us like living in the material realm where loss and [...]

Face the darkness and bring more light into your life

None of us want to experience tough times: to drop into the chasms of depression, worry and despair. However, when we find ourselves in this place, we can flip our perceptions of the dark, increasing our capacity to love and experience joy. It’s so easy to be scared of the dark. Afterall, it’s human nature [...]

The meaningless and harmful quest for perfection

Many of us spend most of our lives in an endless quest for perfection: to be flawless in our jobs, in our mindsets and in our actions. Today, I see that endeavor as hollow, an illusion holding me down, telling me I’m not good enough. So now, I embrace my imperfections and I encourage you [...]

Empower what’s good in your life

Lately, I’ve found myself in a rut: I ruminate on what I lack in life. I see others on social media being active outdoors, going to concerts and plays, and spending time with friends and family. I’m sorry to admit that I envy them. I don't believe I'm alone feeling this way. No one’s life [...]

By |2022-10-31T11:23:31-07:00November 30th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

The Divine places people in our lives for a reason

Over the course of our lifetime, each of us will meet more than 10,000 people. At any specific point, people are strategically placed in our life for a divine reason. They have their part to play in our time here as we have a part to play in theirs. Like a spider’s web, our [...]

Blessings are meant to be shared

Each of us have been gifted with a unique set of blessings: assets and talents that bolster our lives. While it seems blessings are of a personal nature, we can increase the common good by sharing those gifts. Sharing strengthens our community, our world. By sharing our blessings (physical, emotional, spiritual or monetary) with others, [...]

By |2022-09-27T11:09:07-07:00October 19th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

We are resilient. We are spirit.

Living in a physical realm, we believe all we see and feel. It’s easy to think this is all there is because we’ve forgotten what we are: souls, eternal spirits that choose to come to Earth. In this grand experiment of living in bodies, we experience monumental blessings. Our senses awaken to the joys [...]

We are infinite. Earth is our school.

By living in the physical realm and growing through our limitations, we are working to fully reside in our spiritual largeness. Imagine an existence without death. No body malfunctions. No heartache, pain or hunger. This is where we came from and where we will return once our bodies cease to function. Heaven everlasting. So [...]

By |2022-05-18T11:40:22-07:00May 18th, 2022|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Personal growth requires pain and peace

The most productive, rewarding lives come from balancing cycles of pain and comfort. Like blacksmiths use fire and water to shape metal, we need both pain and ease to transform our lives. It is only through surviving tough times and then recuperating afterwards where we are forged into the people we are meant to be. [...]

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