
God gifted you a body

“Not all who want to come to Earth and take a body are allowed this opportunity.” I stared at this passage that I’d free written in January. I had no idea what it meant. I prayed for divine guidance to better understand what I was being shown. After a few weeks, I received the [...]

9 ways to banish energy vampires

While working with a healer, I was told I had a strong, one-way attachment to an acquaintance who was siphoning my energy. While the practitioner did some work to lessen the cord’s connection, she said it was something I needed to work on. My energy level was low, leaving me weak, and this was [...]

Accept the love others give to you

Love—the ultimate super power—dwells in each of us. We create this powerful energy every time we think of those most special to us. With each adoring thought, we transmit emotional, physical and mental healing to the object of our affection. Allowing love to do its magic. However, since we possess free will, we must consciously [...]

Free will doesn’t mean you’ll miss a life-changing event

Whatever experiences you need to have, you will have regardless of the choices you have made. Free will. That wonderful concept where The Most Divine gives us control over our life’s decisions. For years, I saw it as a double-edged sword: I wanted choice, but I worried if I made the wrong one, I [...]

By |2022-01-14T11:06:48-08:00January 26th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Suicide won’t bring you peace

This post was been on my heart for years. I’ve been afraid to write this as I don’t want to upset those who have lost loved ones to suicide. If you’ve lost someone, I don’t recommend you read this. However, it’s time for me to be frank and share why no matter how hard my [...]

Your home is haunted and you’re scared. 7 tips to shift energies.

Recenty, a frightened woman reached out to me about daily paranormal activity in her new apartment. After corresponding with her, I suspected the ghost bothering her could have selected her unit over the others because of her mindset. Before you read on, please know that the vast majority of spirits we encounter are fine; [...]

Don’t Wish for an Easy Existence

Some equate living a good life with living an easy life. This is a myth. We can’t live great lives—our best lives—without monumental loss. The hardships we endure steer us onto different paths, scenic and arduous treks we’d never make had life been comfortable. If we didn’t experience that devastation—whether it be the passing of [...]

Help Others, Help Yourself: Gift Your Time

God’s divine love manifests itself in many ways. As a child, I’d experienced episodes of feeling drenched with the purest love imaginable and I’d know for a certainty that the Great I Am was present. Other times, I’d felt pleasant tingling sensations starting at the crown of my head and moving throughout my body—similar in [...]

By |2020-12-13T12:21:39-08:00December 13th, 2020|Spirituality/Christianity|4 Comments

We are greater than the labels others assign to us

I’ve never seen our country so divided. My heart breaks at the lengths people are going to in the us vs. them battles: Republican vs. Democrat, Black vs. White, Pro-Law Enforcement vs. Anti-police and those who believe COVID is a pandemic vs. those who don’t. Where once crossing the congressional aisle was sound politics, [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:11:23-07:00June 15th, 2020|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|7 Comments

Faith is powerful

When the mind embraces hope, it unleashes a powerful force: faith. When the heart relies upon faith, we develop a knowing that the Universal Power—God—is always present, always loving, ever patient. Faith frees us to live to our potential, to understand that all challenges bring growth and that we are never alone on our earthly [...]

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