Chronic Illness/Overcoming Adversity

You have what you need to thrive

There are times when life becomes so hard it can be difficult to get through it. I believe we’re on Earth to grow our souls in ways that are impossible to do so in the heavenly realms. But, to expand ourselves emotionally and spiritually, there are times we need help. The good news is that [...]

4 Tips on how to find peace in a challenging world

Many of us want to live a tranquil existence. To find it in this chaotic world, though, we must actively seek it out. So how do we reach a deep serenity? Banish judgment and criticism. Let’s stop judging others, ourselves and our situations. We are worthy to freely exist without rigid expectations and criticisms. [...]

7 Tips to Disarm Stress

Stress occurs when we dwell on the “what-ifs” of a difficult situation, sinking us into worry and fear. For many of us it’s an automatic response, one we may not recognize until it starts hurting our wellbeing. The good news is we can break this cycle through radically changing our outlook. Why we don’t want [...]

Why I keep going

December is a tough month. The holidays and long nights combined with meeting our regular responsibilities can be taxing, especially for those of us with physical, emotional or financial challenges. For those who are tempted to just give up, I’m sharing why I don’t. My hope is that you may find something here that [...]

By |2023-12-11T11:31:25-08:00December 13th, 2023|Chronic Illness/Overcoming Adversity|0 Comments

Experience the freedom of living without expectations

Living an expectation-filled life is not only tiring, it’s likely to let us down. However, when we trust that everything happens for divine reasons, we’ll find what is right with our day and marvel at where we are being led. This lesson had been a hard one for me. I had been drowning in the [...]

Life’s fragility has purpose

The Most Divine purposely made our earthly experiences contrast from those we had in heaven. The physical dimension rewards us with periods of elation through achievement and passion, while enriching each day with the amazing sensations of touch, scent and taste. However, nothing can challenge us like living in the material realm where loss and [...]

Believe that each obstacle, challenge expands us

In my previous post, “Why do we think life should be easy?,” I write about our unrealistic expectations of what our lives should be. Believing, “Why me?” makes it easier for us to see ourselves as victims, giving away our personal power. Years ago, I served as the executive director for a local chapter [...]

Why do we think life should be easy?

Why me? Most of us have uttered this at some time. When I ponder this phrase, I wonder where our mistaken notion of being entitled to non-stop ease comes from. Modern society creates the expectation of ease. For most of humanity’s existence, life was short and dangerous. Cavemen hunted, but were prey as well. [...]

Transform your life by breaking harmful patterns

In my post, “Earthly, spiritual and divine realms exist in one space,” I wrote that the only true barrier between dimensions is the one we form in our minds. For me, the most profound part of this message is that The Most Loving is never far from us. I’m sharing the following story not [...]

We are on Earth for a reason greater than ourselves

One day as I griped to myself about how hard life was, I’d thought, “I’m going to get the most out of this life, because I don’t want to come back to Earth again.” However immediately after that, I had the revelation that my presence here isn’t just for my growth: it’s to contribute positively [...]

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