Monthly Archives: September 2022

Immerse Yourself in Sacred Silence

Following my experiences at the haunted Goldfield Hotel (see “A Reluctant Spirit”), I realized that I’d always filled my space with noise. Music blared while I drove. And, when I’d arrived home, I’d turn on the radio or tv—even if I didn’t want to watch or listen to anything. Being in the quiet made [...]

We are not removed from nature. We are part of it.

It’s an illusion to believe we’re separate from nature. In our Modern Age, man has tricked himself into thinking we are above all life. But we cannot be above animals, as we are animals. Indigenous people see all creation as one. In the introduction to Episode 4 of “How to Change Your Mind,” Oglala [...]

By |2022-08-11T14:47:20-07:00September 7th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments
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