A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

True evil exists, but it is rare

Image used under license from Freestock.com

Previously in God gifted you a body,” I wrote that not every soul who wants to come to earth is allowed this privilege. I was shown that only the souls who have been determined to use their time wisely are gifted a body.

Since the Great I Am selected all of us for this earthly journey, we’d think that no one would inflict violence or hatred toward others. It’s hard to understand why those deemed to use their time wisely could sow mass discord or engage in genocide.

While meditating on this question, I was told that there are two different reasons souls are given a body 1) if it is believed they will wisely use their time or 2) to cause widespread discomfort. Here’s what I was told:

“Some souls are given bodies to stir up trouble. They get large portions of the population out of their ease and create situations where the masses must make hard decisions. Their actions encourage others to stand up for their brother or recognize their individual potential to change the world for the better. This small percentage of humans who wreak havoc have a different purpose than most—to force others to act and come together for the common good.”

Ah, this makes sense to me. As individuals grow from their challenges, society needs mass discord to refocus and enlighten its people as a community. Growth never occurs during times of ease.

What about smaller-scale violence?
My mother grew up in a family afflicted by alcoholism and physical abuse. She witnessed her mother and siblings being beaten by my grandfather. The level of disfunction in this family was profound; I had cousins condemned to long prison terms and uncles forever lost in the bottom of the bottle.

My grandfather abruptly stopped drinking before I was born. I remember a man who showered his grandkids with kindness and love, and quarters for ice cream. The man I grew up loving was a man who decided he couldn’t live that former life any more.

While it doesn’t forgive his violent past, my grandfather was likely abused as a child. The folklore about my great grandfather indicates he was a mean individual. He pulled my grandfather out of school in the 4th grade to force him to work in Missouri’s underground mines. My grandfather’s life was so tough, he lied about his age so he could escape his life and fight in WW1.

Do I believe my grandfather was evil? No. Do I condone his violent acts? Certainly not.

Like my health issues cause me to grow, a dysfunctional upbringing can lead people to rise above their childhood horrors. This allows them to break the cycles of dysfunction and to heal themselves and future generations. Tragically, not all who suffer are able to rise above their traumas.

An example of evil from the Bible is Judas. Judas was Jesus’ challenge—an opportunity to feel the uniquely human pain of betrayal. However, Jesus needed a Judas to complete his heavenly plan: Jesus had to die as a martyr for our sins and the resurrection had to take place. Without Judas’ sinister act, Christianity as a religion may never have been birthed.

True evil is rare.
Evil is a darkness that convinces people that they are the ultimate power and are above all other living creatures. They live apart from love and think only of themselves.

Evil exists as the shadow opposite of love. Thank God it isn’t common. The devil cannot make you do anything unless you invite its malevolence into you. It’s your choice to engage darkness. God isn’t testing you. You are testing yourself and that’s a dangerous game.

Why does God allow evil to exist in any form? Free will. Free will gives us ownership of our lives and makes us responsible for our actions. When we exercise our free will out of selfishness, we hurt others.

For other views on evil, check out my earlier posts:

What is evil’s existence here? Part 1
What is evil’s existence here? Part II

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