A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

God’s 5 expectations of us

As my spirituality grows and my relationship with the Great I Am becomes more alive, I’ve learned lessons on what the Lord would like from us.

Use our gifts and be responsible to ourselves

The Most Supreme Being bestows gifts we are meant to use in life, whether it is intellect, leadership abilities, artistic talents or even, a sense of humor. I believe our path on Earth is to grow spiritually and help others, and our unique talents are meant to further our progress. If we embrace our skills, doors will open for us.

Cede control and follow divine promptings

Like all of us, I’ve had periods when I’ve dug in on a certain path and repeatedly run into walls, only to find the going easier once I opened myself to a new course. Inflexibility can cause narrow vision. Only God knows where we need to be in the future. So when we face continual obstacles, it’s time to reevaluate our course.

However, this doesn’t mean denying our personal responsibility. God gave us a mind, common sense and the tools we need to survive. When I received a spontaneous healing, the Great I Am did not loosen my atrophied muscles or give me endurance. That was my responsibility. The Lord removed the disease, but left it up to me to treat my body with respect and to work with it to get it back in optimal shape.

Grow our spirituality and become closer to the Great I Am

We can immerse ourselves in sacred texts and in the teachings of spiritual masters we admire. Pray. Meditate. Be open to divine guidance. Strive for an honest relationship with the Most Supreme Being. Give time to the divine and allow ourselves to receive blessings.


Honor and love God

We can demonstrate our affection in many ways including: honoring our individual worth, living a life that models loving others, recognizing the divine remnant that resides in all of God’s creations, and being good stewards of nature.

Understand that everything we’ve accomplished has been achieved through God’s grace

God prompts us and guides us. And, gives us the tools we need to progress in life. We should never see our high points as an achievement of the ego or of our efforts alone. We must recognize the role the divine played in getting us to the point where we could attain our goals.

What do you deepen your understanding of the divine?


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