
Enhance your ability to receive divine guidance through meditation

Each day, I set aside time to commune with the Universal Power by spending time in meditation. I believe that meditation allows me to create a quiet space where I can listen to God and its divine messengers. In this 11-minute video, I take you through the steps I use to tap into wisdom, love [...]

The key to experiencing the spiritual: Be open, but don’t force it

My most transformative encounters (spiritual, intuitive and paranormal) occurred when I wasn’t expecting them. I routinely hear from others desperately wanting to experience God or spirits who think that if they just focus more on it happening, it will. Unfortunately, this usually leads to the opposite. When we try too hard to feel the Creator, [...]

Want to expand your intuitive abilities? Relate more to the heavenly realm.

Being too steeped in our physical domain is one of the greatest obstacles to strengthening our psychic abilities. When we’re mired in an earthly state, we erect a brick wall between ourselves and spirit messages and divine guidance. In many ways, the material realm contrasts with the ethereal one. Our current existence requires us [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00February 8th, 2017|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The power of silence and free-range thinking to boost spirituality

I’m happiest and most spiritually fulfilled when I dedicate a little time to quiet and solitude each day. It’s a rewarding break from my demanding job and life’s responsibilities. Simple, seemingly mindless activities help me: connect with divine energy and guidance, live more in the present, grow more comfortable with myself and feel one with [...]

The energy and love we project can transform even the nastiest among us

A few weeks back, a man who I’ve found scary and perpetually angry approached us. Instead of becoming frightened and intimidated like I usually do when we encounter him, I used the technique I wrote about below in 2012. And, for the first time, he was not only civil, but he was friendly. Why, oh [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:14:56-07:00December 9th, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Heavenly inspiration leads to creativity, invention

Thanks to regular reader Kristin for suggesting this post. Can the acts of creating and inventing be divinely inspired and is it very common? I believe the answer is “yes.” For me, there’s no doubt A Reluctant Spirit’s wording was sent from above to me. As most of you know, I spent a year trying [...]

A real-life example of “God works in mysterious ways”

God orchestrates everything in our lives. Last fall, I encountered yet another instance: one that defied all logic. A charming woman (I’ll call her Ada), very well-known among Western U.S. ghost hunters, was recovering in a rehabilitation center from a bad fall. About to be released to her rural home, she sank into depression, worrying [...]

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