A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

You believe in ghosts, your loved one doesn’t

At one of my book talks last month, a woman said her husband didn’t believe in ghosts, even though she’d had some profound paranormal experiences.

Believe me, I know it’s not easy when those closest to us don’t understand how supernatural encounters shape us. Not being able to openly discuss with partners, family members or close friends what we witness or feel can create a distance that, at times, seems vast.

Here are some thoughts to keep in mind when you feel most frustrated:

Many relationships thrive where there are differences. Every day, we see couples of mixed religions, cultural backgrounds and political views, who grow closer over time. Having someone who is exactly like us isn’t interesting.

I believe there’s a reason behind everything, including one for why we’re with the people in our lives, even if they don’t believe in a universe we’ve experienced.

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