A Reluctant Spirit

What is intuition? How do I strengthen it?

Our intuitive sense provides us with an energetic flow of information that can range from receiving and sending messages to feeling energetic shifts. In the New Testament, it’s referred to as spiritual gifts. Everyone possesses this divinely given ability. Most of us just need to exercise our intuitive “muscle” to develop this skill. Intuition works [...]

By |2024-05-28T15:34:35-07:00July 17th, 2024|Intuition/Psychic Ability|0 Comments

The 3 stages of spirituality: awareness, awakening and evolution

We expand our spirituality when we actively seek to rediscover our soul’s wisdom. By integrating that sacred knowledge as we find it, we foster serenity, wonder and a deep connection to all living beings. There are three phases we experience in our quest to commune with the divine and transcend our physical existence: awareness, awakening [...]

You have what you need to thrive

There are times when life becomes so hard it can be difficult to get through it. I believe we’re on Earth to grow our souls in ways that are impossible to do so in the heavenly realms. But, to expand ourselves emotionally and spiritually, there are times we need help. The good news is that [...]

4 Tips on how to find peace in a challenging world

Many of us want to live a tranquil existence. To find it in this chaotic world, though, we must actively seek it out. So how do we reach a deep serenity? Banish judgment and criticism. Let’s stop judging others, ourselves and our situations. We are worthy to freely exist without rigid expectations and criticisms. [...]

Experience the freedom of living without expectations

Living an expectation-filled life is not only tiring, it’s likely to let us down. However, when we trust that everything happens for divine reasons, we’ll find what is right with our day and marvel at where we are being led. This lesson had been a hard one for me. I had been drowning in the [...]

What being a Mystical Christian means to me

During “Attract Positive Energy,” a recent class I taught at the local community college, one student asked me what being a Mystical Christian means. As my beliefs are deeply rooted in my heart, I had some difficulty expressing it into words. What is mysticism? For me, it’s the desire to directly spend time with [...]

By |2023-10-25T11:14:45-07:00October 25th, 2023|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

Kathleen Berry teaching “Attract Positive Energies,” a TMCC course

Enhance your wellbeing by becoming aware of the energies around you and learning techniques to attract empowering frequencies during “Attract Positive Energies.” Join Kathleen for this special in-person class from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wed., Oct. 4 at TMCC’s Meadowood Center in Reno, Nev. Advanced registration is required and class size is limited. [...]

Our thoughts and actions can invite evil into our lives

At one point, I belonged to a Christian sect that taught that no matter how good we were, God allowed the devil to freely inflict evil upon us. I’ve come to realize that the Most Loving doesn’t allow Satan to use us as a plaything. Instead, we are the ones to allow harmful energies into [...]

By |2023-06-16T11:51:40-07:00June 21st, 2023|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

Life’s fragility has purpose

The Most Divine purposely made our earthly experiences contrast from those we had in heaven. The physical dimension rewards us with periods of elation through achievement and passion, while enriching each day with the amazing sensations of touch, scent and taste. However, nothing can challenge us like living in the material realm where loss and [...]

God created a heavenly team to help you on Earth

Recently, I underwent QHHT—a hypnotherapy that allows a counselor to speak with our subconscious to help us understand our struggles and chart paths for us to heal. It was a fascinating, emotional experience and I’m already seeing remarkable improvements in my health. One aspect of this treatment, however, unsettled me: while I was under, my [...]

By |2023-05-19T10:53:18-07:00May 24th, 2023|Uncategorized|2 Comments
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