A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

5 characteristics of dream visitations

When someone you care about who’s passed over appears in one of your dreams, it’s a singular experience, one that fills you with love and gives you another piece of the Afterlife puzzle.

In the past 15 years, I’ve been fortunate to receive two distinct visitation dreams. Through my experience and researching others’ experiences, I’ve found our dear departed ones come to us while we sleep for primarily 3 reasons:

Thunderheads building in the Sweetwater Range, Nevada.

How do you know if you’ve had a visitation dream?

While combing the web for details that were similar to my experiences, I found this blog entry on PsychologyToday.com by Patrick McNamara, Ph.D., who cited his own personal experiences with this phenomenon as well as a study conducted by Jennifer E. Shoreter from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California. Dr. McNamara wrote, “The dream structure was not disorganized or bizarre. Instead visitation dreams are typically clear, vivid, intense and are experienced as real visits when the dreamer awakens. The dreamer is always changed by the experience. There is resolution of the grieving process and/or a wider spiritual perspective.”

To me, this is another way we are shown how love endures and our connection with others remain strong even after the physical shell has died.

Read about others’ experiences with dream visitations.


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