A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

The Divine places people in our lives for a reason

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Over the course of our lifetime, each of us will meet more than 10,000 people. At any specific point, people are strategically placed in our life for a divine reason. They have their part to play in our time here as we have a part to play in theirs.

Like a spider’s web, our existence consists of many interconnecting strands representing relationships, life events, challenges and blessings. As our circumstances change, so does the pattern of the web’s silken weave. The Most Divine, knowing what we need at this specific point, ensures that the right people and situations are in play so that we are prepared for the future.

At first, it can be overwhelming to think how every person, event, challenge and blessing in our lives were placed there with divine intent. But once we make this realization, it’s a great comfort. We still maintain freewill and our decisions and actions are made on our own terms.

People and experiences prepare us for our future.
When I wrote “A Reluctant Spirit,” I found that many occurrences combined to prepare me for my night at the Goldfield Hotel.

For example, my mother and I had a discussion before I went to Goldfield. She revealed that she’d seen a ghost in a duplex where we’d lived when I was a toddler. This was jaw-dropping for me, since I’d seen the same specter. A top-hatted shadow man—resembling a circus master—that had come to my crib at night. She validated my first paranormal experience; one I’d convinced myself was just a recurring dream. Her revelation cracked my mental armor that said ghosts could not exist.

Months later, and after that night in Central Nevada, my mind reeled as I tried to process the paranormal activity in the Goldfield Hotel. It was no coincidence that at this pivotal point in my life, I’d found myself surrounded by more psychics than ever before. Those psychics helped me through my awakening, to overcome my fears and to view this experience as a blessing. Most of them were only in my life for a short time, but through their kindness, expertise and their gift of time, I was able to piece my life back together and come out the stronger for it.

While the psychics knew they were helping me, many others would not have known that their actions years before laid the groundwork for me to stay in that very haunted hotel.

  • The community college search committee that initially hired me for a different job (11 years before my Goldfield experience).
  • The abrasive supervisor who forced me out of that job.
  • The human resources director who witnessed this wrong and found me work in the college’s noncredit department.
  • My noncredit supervisor, who started offering paranormal classes, insisted I help her, leading me to meet ghost investigators, psychics, mediums and scientists.
  • A later supervisor, who told me I had to go with KTVN on the Goldfield trip when I was looking for excuses not to go.

Let’s examine our lives to see how we can better lift up others.
While we don’t know the specific needs people have to prepare them for their future, we can make their lives better. In fact, we have improved peoples’ lives without being aware of it. We may just be doing our job, being kind, sharing an experience or truly listening to someone.

A good way to grow an awareness of how to help others can be found by examining our own life and thinking of those who made ours better. Who emotionally touched you and made a difference in your life? Did you know them well? How did they support your growth? Think of watershed moments in your life and the people around you. How did others lift you up and give you strength to carry on?

We play a role in each person’s life as they play roles in ours. They help you; you help them. The divine dance of getting the right people into the right place at the right time is intricate. How can someone not believe in God? Who else could orchestrate all of this?

Look for the next post, “Unpleasant people are catalysts in our lives.”

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