A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

Dancing with the ghosts

Recently, I participated in my second investigation of the Old Washoe Club/Millionaire’s Club in Virginia City, Nevada. Read my post “Inside Moon” about my 2008 visit there. In the late 1800’s, the upper stories of the Washoe housed the exclusive Millionaire’s Club—a bastion of the Comstock Lode’s rich and influential—where power deals had been forged and beautiful young women had pleased their customers in every way possible.

As the manager of the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, I’ve joined an investigative group during our annual Ghost Hunt Field Trip led by technological guru Sharon Leong.

Blues music wafts in through the opened, second floor windows. The harvest moon illuminates the dusty, empty ballroom throwing long shadows from the living. Several cheap, black vinyl/chrome chairs and small round cocktail tables line edge the rectangular space. I can’t imagine the grandeur of this room in its heyday.

A party’s winding down at the saloon next door where a band performs. The six of us sway to the music like isolated islands, enticing the spirits to dance for a few minutes in time.

This is Sharon Leong, our team leader at the 2012 Washoe Club investigation.

I extend my arms as if my partner’s already here. “I’d love to dance with you,” I say. “But you may only touch me in a respectful manner.”

The band plays a slower tune, a fusion of rock and blues. A slight breeze caresses my back.

My hands tingle. An energy builds between my outstretched arms. Smiling, I realize I no longer dance alone.

In my mind, I thank my unseen partner.

His response to my gratitude?  My too-long bangs are gently swept out of my eyes.


On Halloween, I’ll feature another post from the Millionaire’s Club called, “Not All Ghosts Have a Sense of Humor.”

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