paranormal blog

Release expectations, empower success

Just because I write about inspirations I receive, it doesn’t mean I always adhere to my own advice. And, the area where I have the most difficulty heeding my insights is with my memoir, A Reluctant Spirit. Lately, I’ve been dedicating myself to the book’s final, big marketing push. And it’s wearing me down. I’m [...]

Frontier outpost Buckland Station stirs with spirits

In 1870 Samuel Buckland dismantled some Fort Churchill buildings he purchased from the government  to build his house a half-mile south along a cottonwood tree-lined stretch of the Carson River in northwestern Nevada. His home, an oasis in the Great Basin Desert next to the Overland Route, offered the amenities of a stagecoach station, supply [...]

The most precious gift

My footfalls on the drab linoleum echo against the institutional, cream-colored walls. Don’t let me be too late. I pause outside the darkened room to compose myself. Family sit in chairs huddled around the hospital bed. My eyes haven’t adjusted so I can’t see her, but I hear labored breathing. Ruby’s still alive. I’ve never [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:18:32-07:00June 19th, 2013|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|5 Comments

Waiting for the Lady in Red

1920s Tonopah. Well past its mining heyday, but still a busy rural Nevada community. Located midway between Reno and Las Vegas on Nevada State Highway 95, this town offered a welcome respite for travelers seeking a break from the desert heat and dust. Its buildings—both elegant Victorians and hastily constructed shacks—appear cradled up in the [...]

Something supernatural lurking in your home? Perhaps it’s a jinn.

During the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series’ Religion and the Paranormal Discussion, the Northern Nevada Muslim Community President Sherif A. Elfas shared his belief in jinn. Jinn are not ghosts; they’re equivalent to us. Muslims believe God created three types of sentient beings: angels (created from light), humans (created from clay) and jinn (created from [...]

Who is heaven bound?

Years ago, an evangelical friend cut me from her life after her pastor said I was destined for hell. Apparently, he believed I cavorted with Satan because I: Visited a Chinese acupuncturist for pain management treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome and neurally mediated hypotension; and Lived with a man, not married. I was shocked my [...]

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