A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

Before you cast out that spirit, ask yourself a few questions

Recently, my cousin told me that a young girl apparition haunts her niece, frightening her. My cousin asked me how to handle the situation.  As I thought about it, I realized there’s no pat answer. It all depends on your unique circumstance and how it affects you.

Before you decide what to do about a haunting, consider these questions.

How long has the spirit been in your home?



How does the spirit make you feel?

Are you:

One way to determine a spirit’s motive is its reaction to your fear. Does it disappear when you scream or startle? If it does, it’s probably because it has no desire to distress you.

What does the spirit want?

Once, I told a shadow person to leave. Now, I wonder why it repeatedly had visited me. Freaked out by the unknown, I hadn’t cared if the specter was there to share something with me, needed my help or just wanted to hang around.  I regret I couldn’t calm myself enough to open up and find out.

Read about the options you can take to coexist or rid your home of a spirit, in next week’s post, You’ve considered the spirit’s presence in your home: now what?”

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