A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

Select the right ghost hunters to investigate your home

Recently, a man posted on a Facebook group I manage, inviting anyone to come to his home to investigate paranormal activity. I was surprised that someone would ask those he knew nothing about to his abode. It’s not like we’re bonded and licensed contractors. And, while most ghost hunting teams are legitimate, each has its own style of conducting an investigation.

Research different groups to see which one best fits your needs

Here are some tips:

Google the teams you’re interested in and read about them. Are there client reviews? Do they have a website or Facebook page as most well-established groups do? Try to learn the following:

After you’ve learned the basics, email or call the team leader for additional information. Don’t feel bad about screening prospects, as they will be vetting you as well.

What else would you suggest for someone to find out about a team before engaging it to visit?

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