A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

Guardian angels do exist

Just like I once disbelieved in ghosts, I never believed in guardian angels. It seemed too nice to have an ethereal being watching out for me. After all, why would I warrant this kind of blessing from God? But as with my other views regarding the spirit world, this one crumbled shortly after my night in the Goldfield Hotel.

Doreen Virtue wrote in Divine Guidance, that angels “are very real messengers, sent by God, to help us feel peace and joy.”

At the end of A Reluctant Spirit, I “met” my guardian angel for the first time. He said he’d been with me since the beginning of my life, but I’d never realized it.

Austin Cemetery, Central Nevada

The Bible mentions or alludes to these heavenly hosts almost 40 times. It’s interesting to me that I could’ve denied this reality after studying the Bible for decades. Here are a few verses detailing these energies:

While these excerpts specifically refer to David, I believe they apply to us as well. Yes, we will still experience trials, but we have the support of these ethereal beings to help us through.

Another verse, this one in Exodus 23:20, reads:  “…I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” This was attributed to God as reassuring the Israelites’ during their journey to the Promised Land, but when I meditated on this verse, it resonated with me. We all have a spiritual path and a destination that the Most Divine wants us to achieve. Like the Israelites, we are journeying to a place The Great I Am has prepared for us.

Jesus talked about children having their own angels and the Apostle Paul mentions that these divine messengers are ministering spirits. Why would today be different from Biblical times? Are we so evolved that we don’t need guidance? Is life so easy that we never feel defeated and doubt our faith? I think not. Angels are as relevant in our age as in the past.

I’ve heard of two incidents where friends experienced angelic intervention. A few years back, one told me that as an oncoming car slammed into her vehicle, she felt the unmistakable sensation of someone holding her against her seat (she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt at the time). Her car was demolished, but she was unharmed.

Regular reader Diana recently shared a story about her childhood. Her father came to her church school class to talk about guardian angels. He told them about a time when he walked along a construction site and right after passing it, a 12-foot high stack of logs fell behind him. If it’d happened a few seconds earlier, he would’ve been killed. As they left church after her Dad’s speech, they heard a crash behind them. A stack of firewood fell and tumbled over the sidewalk they’ just walked on. Diana said it was like God was reinforcing her Dad’s message about the existence of guardian angels.

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