A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

Is my house or workplace haunted?

Determining why a spirit is visiting and whether you want it around.

Most of us are so busy we don’t realize we are surrounded by energies encouraging us to grow and succeed. I know my crossed-over loved ones, guardian angels (or spirit guides) and other divine emissaries cross my path every day. And that comforts me.

However, it’s important to understand what energies are around us in deciding if we want to allow them to occasionally hang around or if we should send them back to where they belong.

Why do spirits visit our realm?

Once rid of our physical shells, our souls will be free to travel anywhere we please. Just think, if you had the ultimate luxury of traveling anywhere at any time, where would you go?

Departed loved ones use familiar activities to announce themselves

Perhaps you may experience a spirit

Picking up spirit strangers

This photo is purported to be the Shaman ghost that haunts the Cal Neva Resort’s Showroom.











It’s also possible to pick up unfamiliar spirits, ones we’d never dealt with when they were bodied. How can this happen?

Determine whether it’s welcome to stay

Pray to God (in the way you are comfortable praying) and ask for heavenly light to surround and protect you from harm. Then meditate and focus on the spirit—ask it who it is and why it is there. Pay attention to the emotions you feel, the words that pop into your mind, or fleeting, yet overpowering scents.

Next week’s post discusses what to do if you have a spirit you want to leave or suspect it is stuck and needs to be guided to the light.


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