
Who is heaven bound?

Years ago, an evangelical friend cut me from her life after her pastor said I was destined for hell. Apparently, he believed I cavorted with Satan because I: Visited a Chinese acupuncturist for pain management treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome and neurally mediated hypotension; and Lived with a man, not married. I was shocked my [...]

I refute the evangelical stance of “all paranormal is evil”

This is the second of two posts on my response to the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series’ “Religion and the Paranormal: A Panel Discussion,” which featured an evangelical pastor. See My Rebuttal to the Evangelical Stance on After Death Communications. As I noted two blogs ago, I respect this pastor’s beliefs. Yet, from my own [...]

My rebuttal to the evangelical stance on after- death communication

During the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, I moderated “Religion and the Paranormal:  A Panel Discussion” that featured a rabbi, evangelical pastor, Buddhist and Muslim.  The pastor was likeable and passionate about his beliefs, which I respect. But, while listening to his Biblical take on the paranormal, I realized my different positions on the subjects [...]

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