let go and let God

Make room for your rebirth

We are different today than we were the morning before. Each day, our experiences sculpt us: a small, daily evolution getting us closer to who we are meant to be. To have room for rebirth, though, we must experience small deaths: releases of the old that no longer serve us. This can happen when we [...]

By |2022-07-19T10:43:05-07:00July 27th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

Ego can detour you from your life journey: Part 1

Our ego can expertly derail us from our spiritual path, but more alarming is that it can do this without us consciously being aware of it. What is ego? Ego feeds us misinformation such as we aren’t good enough, we’re better than others or we shouldn’t to listen to our intuition. When we heed [...]

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