
Why I keep going

December is a tough month. The holidays and long nights combined with meeting our regular responsibilities can be taxing, especially for those of us with physical, emotional or financial challenges. For those who are tempted to just give up, I’m sharing why I don’t. My hope is that you may find something here that [...]

By |2023-12-11T11:31:25-08:00December 13th, 2023|Chronic Illness/Overcoming Adversity|0 Comments

Believe that each obstacle, challenge expands us

In my previous post, “Why do we think life should be easy?,” I write about our unrealistic expectations of what our lives should be. Believing, “Why me?” makes it easier for us to see ourselves as victims, giving away our personal power. Years ago, I served as the executive director for a local chapter [...]

Why do we think life should be easy?

Why me? Most of us have uttered this at some time. When I ponder this phrase, I wonder where our mistaken notion of being entitled to non-stop ease comes from. Modern society creates the expectation of ease. For most of humanity’s existence, life was short and dangerous. Cavemen hunted, but were prey as well. [...]

It isn’t your fault you’re ill

Illness happens to everyone. Sure, it helps to lead a healthy life, but severe physical trials can strike anyone at any time. People ask me if they are to blame for their poor health. They wonder if they’d still be sick if they possessed a stronger faith or if they’d just learn a specific lesson. [...]

Why are some people wildlife magnets?

Steve* hiked up a rise in Wyoming on a late June morning. Atop the neighboring hill, an antelope watched him. He mimicked the animal’s call and the female pronghorn sprinted toward him, paused, called back and loped toward him. She continued this pattern until she stopped about 10 feet away from him. Once again, Steve [...]

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