Virginia Ridgway

When ghosts drain energy from your electronics, pay attention

Spirits can manipulate our electronics to communicate their desires and opinions. I’ve had multiple unexpected episodes that usually present themselves as an instantaneous loss of battery charge. Of course, we must consider why a battery would die (other than from paranormal activity) such as from extreme cold, it’s old or expired, or it’s been drained [...]

The appreciated gift: the Goldfield Hotel ghosts

“Many ghost hunters take from the spirits, so this young man was unusual,” Virginia Ridgway, caretaker of the Goldfield Hotel, said over the phone with a slight Texas drawl. She spoke about a guitarist who asked to play for the GFH entities. “No one ever asks to do something for them.” I’d never really thought [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00February 29th, 2012|Ghost Hunting, Ghost Stories, Nevada, Uncategorized|11 Comments
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