Part One: Your attitude
While I’ve been blessed from some encounters with spirits, I realize the dangers of courting the paranormal. As a Christian, I believe in the existence of evil in the afterlife. Since wickedness resides in our realm (look at the latest blood-thirsty dictator), it’s logical that negative energies dwell in the Other World as well.
Not to worry you, but ghosts can follow you home, attach negative energies to you or lash out during an investigation, though not in a dramatic Stephen King kind of way.
For example: take the Ghost Adventures TV crew when they first visited the Goldfield Hotel (GFH). They showed little respect for its spirits by antagonizing them. Their impolite behavior resulted in “good” TV when a brick was thrown at them. The hunters continued their provocation until they scared themselves so badly; they scrambled down a 100-year-old fire escape to flee the “malevolent” unseen forces.

This room is where the brick was thrown at the Ghost Adventures crew. It is the same room KTVN's investigative team received two polite EVPs.
However, when the KTVN investigation took place at the GFH about a year later, we never encountered any evil presences. Why?
Our expert ghost hunters told us to project positivity when we were in the building. It’s a version of the Law of Attraction—what you put out, you get in return. If you tremble in fear, you will bring more on to fear. If you’re nasty, you’ll attract nastiness. If you’re cordial, you’ll encourage positive interaction.
- We treated the hotel and its invisible inhabitants with respect: even excusing ourselves when we entered a room. Since spirits are the souls of those who’ve passed on, they’ll respond like a person would.
- While we asked questions and requested activity, we did not demand it.
But being polite does not guarantee you won’t encounter something unpleasant. This is where discernment comes in and this post ends. Stay tuned for the continuation next Wednesday.
Be polite to both those with bodies and those without – I like the idea!
Thank you for commenting, Jennifer.
I think it’s great advice to be respectful in this type of activity, and for that fact, in life, so I enjoyed this post, Kathleen. Then again, I have seen real evil; I live in a homeowner’s association.
Thank you for the response and the laugh! Beware of the HOAs! Great to hear from you.
[…] « Develop your spirit radar: Is that energy good or evil? Develop your spirit radar: Is that energy good or evil? Part II By Kathleen | Published: June 20, […]
I have read alot of books on the subject of gotshs and ghost hunting and I think this may just be the best of them all. At first I wasn’t sure when the author got in to the brain stuff but it really makes you think, and it was very interesting. I like how he goes over so many different paranormal subjects, and he makes you think about all the possible reasons for activity. He’s not trying to make you believe one way or the other,(which I find a refreshing change) but rather gives you all the options to consider so you’ll take more time to review things. I think this book is a must for beginners. It’s well written in simple language so you don’t get lost in all the technical talk. Experienced investigators can benefit from this book too. There are good books on the subject out there but if you’re looking for one you can refer to time and time again this is the one.
Which book are you referring to? I think your comment was attached to the wrong post. Thank you for visiting.
[…] so I know which ones I can listen to and which ones don’t serve my higher good (see my post “Develop Your Spirit Radar”). Before I started paranormal investigating, I was oblivious to the energies around me and how […]