Goldfield Hotel

The ways spirits engage us, part II

See last week’s post for more information on this subject. Fresh, yet dead, batteries Frequently when fresh batteries die, it’s an indication of a spirit’s presence. Every time Mark Constantino took his video camera into Elizabeth’s room at the Goldfield Hotel (GFH) during the KTVN investigation, it would stop working even though the fully-charged batteries [...]

Develop your spirit radar: Is that energy good or evil?

Part One: Your attitude While I’ve been blessed from some encounters with spirits, I realize the dangers of courting the paranormal. As a Christian, I believe in the existence of evil in the afterlife. Since wickedness resides in our realm (look at the latest blood-thirsty dictator), it’s logical that negative energies dwell in the Other [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00June 13th, 2012|Ghost Hunting, Nevada, Uncategorized|8 Comments

The appreciated gift: the Goldfield Hotel ghosts

“Many ghost hunters take from the spirits, so this young man was unusual,” Virginia Ridgway, caretaker of the Goldfield Hotel, said over the phone with a slight Texas drawl. She spoke about a guitarist who asked to play for the GFH entities. “No one ever asks to do something for them.” I’d never really thought [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00February 29th, 2012|Ghost Hunting, Ghost Stories, Nevada, Uncategorized|11 Comments

Parting Curtains

For many months after my life-altering Goldfield Hotel experience (GFH), I’d have rather been pinned to the ground and covered in fire ants than to enter that haunted edifice again. I stayed mentally overwhelmed. The experience loomed over me every day. I was unsure of what I knew. Frightened of what else could happen. I [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:20:06-07:00January 25th, 2012|Ghost Stories, Nevada, Uncategorized|6 Comments

Consequences of spending the night in a haunted hotel

A sleeping bag and pillow figured prominently among the belongings I hauled to Goldfield, Nevada. Honestly, I anticipated a snore-fest—a tedium of wandering long, Spartan halls and cloned guestrooms that would make any intelligent woman long for a good night’s sleep. But fate finds pleasure in pitching monkey wrenches at our expectations. Here are some [...]

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