
Daily gratitude vital to increasing our health and happiness

“…life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone”— John Mellencamp As I age, I find that I’ve stopped nurturing my sense of wonder. On the surface, everything seems commonplace as I navigate work, errands, exercise and responsibilities. But I’m not present. I’m not observant. And, when it’s at its worst, I stop [...]

Release limiting beliefs

Recently, I returned from a vacation in the woods of Alberta, Canada. While I didn’t bring back souvenirs, I brought home something more substantial—another triumph over the disease that wracked my body for almost two decades. For years, Ken dreamt of paddling a multi-day kayaking trip in the northern reaches of our continent. My consistent [...]

10 steps to prepare yourself for healing

Thanks to reader Bryce for requesting this topic. While I believe healing occurs when and if the Most Divine decides it will happen, we can prepare ourselves for renewed health. These actions also provide a precious benefit: an increased sense of peace. I’ll probably never know why God waited 18 years to reinvigorate my body. [...]

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