sixth sense

Intuitive abilities aren’t evil

My transcendent night with the spirits in the Goldfield Hotel opened my third eye. Suddenly, I found myself receiving divine messages, and started seeing and hearing energies. I thought I’d lost my mind. But even worse, I’d believed I was destined for hell. Why? Because a church I’d once belonged to preached the evils [...]

The Bible advocates using intuitive abilities

Life is an ongoing exercise in seeking balance. Take something great and use it wrong and you'll most likely get disappointing results. The same is true of our god-given sixth sense, whether it be a psychic inkling, dream message or visit from a guardian angel. I've met  people who've been blessed with great intuitive abilities, [...]

Can hypnotherapy increase your psychic abilities? Reader request.

After watching “Stir of Echoes” starring Kevin Bacon, one of my regular blog readers asked me to look into the connection between hypnosis and psychic abilities. In the movie, Bacon's character, Tom, becomes psychic after his sister-in-law hypnotizes him. Viewers learn at the end of the movie that Tom had been very intuitive as a [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:38-07:00October 10th, 2012|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Nevada, Uncategorized|30 Comments

We all possess intuitive abilities—Reader Request

Thank you, Holly, for requesting this subject. When a premonition through a dream became reality, I labeled it a weird coincidence. And, when I felt unseen eyes watching me or couldn’t shake the sensation that I wasn’t alone, I attributed it to my active imagination. So when an instructor I work with proclaimed, “You can [...]

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