spirituality blog

The grass parable: a lesson in resilience

As I walked the hills behind my house this past Christmas Eve, I noticed a clump of new-green grass cracking the soil where it broke through. Not more than ½ inch high, but nonetheless, I stopped and marveled. You see, just a few days before, the temperature plummeted to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, hardly the weather [...]

What is evil’s existence here and in the spirit world? And why does God allow it? Reader Request Part I

Thank you, Cindy, for requesting this subject. I’m pleased to have spiritually-grounded experts—an Episcopal priest, rabbi, Spiritualist reverend and metaphysical teachers—share their thoughts about evil which I cover below and in next week’s post. Does God permit evil to exist? Universally those I queried said evil is either human-caused or judged to be so through [...]

Many paths lead to God

I’ll always be Christian. Jesus sings to my soul. His divine humanity gives me an awesome goal for which to strive. His lessons ring true to me: loving, accepting and helping one another, and the necessity of fostering a personal relationship with the Almighty without the need of a human intermediary. Being a Christian means [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:53-07:00June 27th, 2012|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|7 Comments

Edelweiss: A spirit’s manipulation of a music box

Thoughts of Nancy—my friend warring against pancreatic cancer—nagged at my consciousness. Even as I hurdled my way through the chaos at work, she remained on my mind. The TMCC Writers’ Conference, which I manage, neared. Plus, I had reports to compile and a new marketing strategy to devise for our division’s uncertain future. Overwhelmed and [...]

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