Chronic Illness

Personal growth requires pain and peace

The most productive, rewarding lives come from balancing cycles of pain and comfort. Like blacksmiths use fire and water to shape metal, we need both pain and ease to transform our lives. It is only through surviving tough times and then recuperating afterwards where we are forged into the people we are meant to be. [...]

Get off the self-judgment wagon. Perfection is not attainable.

Like many of you, I’ve pushed myself to be better: a more loving, less judgmental person; a reliable friend; and a more enlightened being. I’ve learned to have grace and patience for others. That sounds positive, right? A good way to live one’s life. But I’ve found that I’ve missed a central point: compassion [...]

Don’t push away the darkness. Be with it instead.

Some suggest that if you are truly spiritual, you’ll eliminate your dark side so that nothing upsets you. Others believe that challenging times and dark emotions are signs that you are not good enough and are being punished by God. These ideas ring false to me as there is a purpose to our light and [...]

It isn’t your fault you’re ill

Illness happens to everyone. Sure, it helps to lead a healthy life, but severe physical trials can strike anyone at any time. People ask me if they are to blame for their poor health. They wonder if they’d still be sick if they possessed a stronger faith or if they’d just learn a specific lesson. [...]

You are your body’s top expert; pay attention to it

Good health is a gift. Two of the most important aspects to maintaining wellness are knowing your body and paying attention to the signals it sends. While these may seem trivial, it can be tough to remember to do when facing challenges. After my miraculous healing in 2007, I resolved to respect my body and [...]

Sometimes in life you can only control your reaction

When my illness reached its worst, I spent almost all of my time in bed (or on the couch). My life seemed completely out of my control. My health severely restricted any physical activity. I couldn’t earn enough money to support myself. And, if I wanted to read a book, I couldn’t as I didn’t [...]

10 steps to prepare yourself for healing

Thanks to reader Bryce for requesting this topic. While I believe healing occurs when and if the Most Divine decides it will happen, we can prepare ourselves for renewed health. These actions also provide a precious benefit: an increased sense of peace. I’ll probably never know why God waited 18 years to reinvigorate my body. [...]

Letting go differs from giving up

For me, a frustrating aspect of being chronically ill for years was when friends and doctors told me to give up hope that I’d ever get better because I was priming myself for failure. Well, for those who read my blog and have read “A Reluctant Spirit,” you know I had the last laugh on [...]

Swiss scientists: confused brains manufacture ghosts

Recently scientists proclaimed they proved ghosts didn’t exist. They said the brain creates an illusion of spirits when it receives conflicting sensory-motor signals when we are stressed, overly exerted or ill. But while this research may address one sliver of the paranormal activity pie, it’s far from relegating the Other World to the byproduct of [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:16:38-07:00December 17th, 2014|Chronic Illness, Ghost Stories, Uncategorized|2 Comments
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