
Transform your life by breaking harmful patterns

In my post, “Earthly, spiritual and divine realms exist in one space,” I wrote that the only true barrier between dimensions is the one we form in our minds. For me, the most profound part of this message is that The Most Loving is never far from us. I’m sharing the following story not [...]

Our journeys are larger than ourselves

Working on our spirituality feels like a singular path, a private journey to increase our contentment while better sensing the Supreme Being. What most of us don’t realize is that as we lift ourselves up, we also raise those around us. And, when enough of us seek the Most Divine, we contribute to the [...]

By |2022-08-04T11:00:21-07:00August 10th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

We can learn from our negative emotions

Don’t clear your lower emotions. Instead, learn from them to increase your vibrational energy and fine-tune your intuitive abilities. When I consciously began my intuitive journey, a psychic friend suggested I clear all of my negative emotions on a daily basis. My goal was to vibrate higher (negative emotions bring down a person’s overall [...]

Don’t push away the darkness. Be with it instead.

Some suggest that if you are truly spiritual, you’ll eliminate your dark side so that nothing upsets you. Others believe that challenging times and dark emotions are signs that you are not good enough and are being punished by God. These ideas ring false to me as there is a purpose to our light and [...]

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