
Free yourself from the norm. Express your true self.

During long periods of my childhood, I didn’t have many friends. At that point, I didn’t understand that it was because I wouldn’t conform to what others were doing, acting or saying. While I didn’t have insight into who I truly was at such a young age, I still followed an inner compass that guided [...]

Stubbornness can hijack our spiritual journey, part I

“If you are finding closed doors, it is the universe telling you there is a better way to go. Don’t keep pushing against closed doors; look around for the open ones.” Sanaya Roman in Personal Power through Awareness Have you ever found yourself bogged down, struggling to move forward with an idea, a life plan [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:14:57-07:00October 14th, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Kathleen Berry to teach “Ghosts, God and the Afterlife,” a TMCC spirituality class

I’ve taught noncredit classes for Truckee Meadows Community College before, but this will be my first spirituality class and I’m excited! I’ll present “Ghosts, God and the Afterlife” on Wed., Oct. 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the TMCC Meadowood Center in Reno, Nevada. Advance registration is required. This is the most in-depth presentation [...]

Release limiting beliefs

Recently, I returned from a vacation in the woods of Alberta, Canada. While I didn’t bring back souvenirs, I brought home something more substantial—another triumph over the disease that wracked my body for almost two decades. For years, Ken dreamt of paddling a multi-day kayaking trip in the northern reaches of our continent. My consistent [...]

The Most Heavenly’s energy of creation connects all life

God’s divine energy—what I consider to be the Holy Spirit—permeates all creation from the horned toad basking in the sun to the child swaying on a swing. Once I realized this, my view of others and how I valued God’s “lesser” critters changed. No matter how different each form of life is, the Great I [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:26-07:00June 10th, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|2 Comments

When ghosts drain energy from your electronics, pay attention

Spirits can manipulate our electronics to communicate their desires and opinions. I’ve had multiple unexpected episodes that usually present themselves as an instantaneous loss of battery charge. Of course, we must consider why a battery would die (other than from paranormal activity) such as from extreme cold, it’s old or expired, or it’s been drained [...]

Every day brings a gift; let’s be grateful for it

When I’m at peace, I find each day brings me a small present, one that further boosts my gratitude and infuses additional joy into my routine. It could take the form of someone appreciating my work, or me witnessing a dazzling sunrise, encountering wildlife or laughing heartily with loved ones. Unfortunately, I’m not at peace [...]

Letting go differs from giving up

For me, a frustrating aspect of being chronically ill for years was when friends and doctors told me to give up hope that I’d ever get better because I was priming myself for failure. Well, for those who read my blog and have read “A Reluctant Spirit,” you know I had the last laugh on [...]

Kathleen to speak at Washoe County Library branches in February and March

I'm honored to have staff at the Washoe County Library System ask me to speak at five venues in February and March. Each event is free and open to the public. Ill be speaking on the topic: From Skeptic to Believer: A Night in the Goldfield Hotel. In this 45-minute presentation, I'll discuss the mental and spiritual journey I embarked [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:43-07:00January 31st, 2015|A Reluctant Spirit, Ghost Stories, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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