Chronic Illness/Overcoming Adversity

Don’t rush it. Everything comes in its own time.

Patience has never been my personal virtue. I wanted a publisher to sell my book, “A Reluctant Spirit,” years ago. I’d thought I could handle my discomfort revealing such intimate experiences that happened to me. I was wrong. Thank God, the Most Divine had a different plan in mind. Life led me on a rambling, [...]

Never Lose Faith

In 2000 and 2001, doctors from the Mayo Clinic and Stanford Medical Center told me I suffered from permanent nerve damage and would never recover. Their advice to me: Stop pushing yourself and accept that you’ll never live the life you want. Despite this, a voice buried deeply within me urged me not to give [...]

God speaks to all of us

A few weeks back I caught a television interview with Bill O’Reilly, who was promoting his book about Jesus. The reporter leaned forward and said with a hint of sarcasm, “You say God talks to you. Do you really believe that?” “Yes. He does,” O’Reilly said. Ugh. In that instance, a grand opportunity fell through [...]

The grass parable: a lesson in resilience

As I walked the hills behind my house this past Christmas Eve, I noticed a clump of new-green grass cracking the soil where it broke through. Not more than ½ inch high, but nonetheless, I stopped and marveled. You see, just a few days before, the temperature plummeted to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, hardly the weather [...]

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