What is intuition? How do I strengthen it?

Our intuitive sense provides us with an energetic flow of information that can range from receiving and sending messages to feeling energetic shifts. In the New Testament, it’s referred to as spiritual gifts. Everyone possesses this divinely given ability. Most of us just need to exercise our intuitive “muscle” to develop this skill. Intuition works [...]

By |2024-05-28T15:34:35-07:00July 17th, 2024|Intuition/Psychic Ability|0 Comments

Vibration: What it is and why it’s important

Once I started exploring my own psychic abilities, others would advise me to raise my vibration. When I’d ask them what that meant, I’d get a vague response, such as: “It’s your energy” or “One day you’ll just know what it is.” I was befuddled. How could I raise my vibration? I pictured myself [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00April 12th, 2017|Intuition/Psychic Ability|2 Comments

Facing the ghosts of fear: Acceptance leads to empowerment

It’s an October evening in Southwest Harbor, Maine, and it’s surprisingly warm. We’re staying in a cottage on the grounds of the historic Claremont Hotel that closed for the season three days earlier. Only seven of us guests, scattered throughout a handful of houses, remain at the spacious facility, which opened in 1884. I step [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:58-07:00November 9th, 2016|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Registration opens for the 2015 Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series

As most of you know, I began a unique spiritual odyssey when my boss asked me to work on our fledgling paranormal program. Over 14 years as the series manager, I’ve met astounding individuals and experienced mind-expanding activity that has enriched my life. If you live in the western U.S., consider attending some of the [...]

The Bible endorses using intuitive skills

See my related post from two weeks ago, “The Bible acknowledges the existence of positive spirits and ghosts.” I view our psychic abilities as a gift from the Holy Spirit, a divine energy that connects all of us—whether or not we still inhabit our bodies. While some denominations say that God only allowed prophecy and [...]

A glossary of paranormal terms

Here’s a comprehensive list of terms used to describe psychic skills, ghost hunting activity and general parapsychology and their definitions. Parapsychology is the study of phenomena that cannot be explained through the scientific understanding of the world, i.e. ghosts, psychic abilities, near death experiences, past lives, telepathy and more. Consciousness survival is the belief that [...]

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