I refute the evangelical stance of “all paranormal is evil”

This is the second of two posts on my response to the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series’ “Religion and the Paranormal: A Panel Discussion,” which featured an evangelical pastor. See My Rebuttal to the Evangelical Stance on After Death Communications. As I noted two blogs ago, I respect this pastor’s beliefs. Yet, from my own [...]

What I’ve learned through exploring my own psychic abilities

We are all psychic: Many of us just need to shake off the dust and hone our skills. Awareness remains key to honing your sixth sense. So much of intuition gets ignored merely because we won’t pay attention to it. Heed the nagging suspicion in your mind and the strange thought that pops into your [...]

Can hypnotherapy increase your psychic abilities? Reader request.

After watching “Stir of Echoes” starring Kevin Bacon, one of my regular blog readers asked me to look into the connection between hypnosis and psychic abilities. In the movie, Bacon's character, Tom, becomes psychic after his sister-in-law hypnotizes him. Viewers learn at the end of the movie that Tom had been very intuitive as a [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:38-07:00October 10th, 2012|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Nevada, Uncategorized|30 Comments

Children are naturally psychic

Intuitives say children can easily plug into the spirit world. It’s believed that since their souls haven’t been in bodies as long as adults, the young retain subconscious memories of the spirit world. Family reactions impact ESP. Sensitive Jason Lindo spoke at the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Conference some years back. As a small child, [...]

We all possess intuitive abilities—Reader Request

Thank you, Holly, for requesting this subject. When a premonition through a dream became reality, I labeled it a weird coincidence. And, when I felt unseen eyes watching me or couldn’t shake the sensation that I wasn’t alone, I attributed it to my active imagination. So when an instructor I work with proclaimed, “You can [...]

ESP misconceptions, part 2: ESP is a perfect, consistent sense

See my previous post: ESP misconceptions, part 1 Out of our innate abilities—sight, sound, touch, smell, taste and ESP—psychic sensitivity is the most subjective, and at least for me, inconsistent sense. This means when we receive messages—many that burst forth and last only a millisecond—we can easily misconstrue or discount them. Interpreting a message correctly [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00March 14th, 2012|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Seven ways to encounter positive paranormal activity

What we don’t understand, we’re most likely to fear. Our prejudices against the Other World—whether spurred on by Hollywood horror movies or warnings from the pulpit—prevent us from experiencing productive, positive spirit encounters. Over the eight years that I’ve been involved in coordinating the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, I’ve been fortunate to work with [...]

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