
Vibration: What it is and why it’s important

Once I started exploring my own psychic abilities, others would advise me to raise my vibration. When I’d ask them what that meant, I’d get a vague response, such as: “It’s your energy” or “One day you’ll just know what it is.” I was befuddled. How could I raise my vibration? I pictured myself [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00April 12th, 2017|Intuition/Psychic Ability|2 Comments

The unintended “side effect” of ghost hunting: connecting with your departed loved ones

Imagine this. During a paranormal investigation, you’re hoping to make contact with history—the spirits connected to a location, land or item. Instead you find yourself facing a crossed over loved one. Why would that happen? The spirit sees: You’re open to the idea of an encounter You’re concentrating on the present moment You’ve quieted [...]

Protect your body, your space when ghost hunting

When engaging the spirit world, it’s imperative to protect yourself from lower, darker energies. The sheer act of paranormal investigating invites spirits to our realm, so we need to ensure our well-being. I’ve known some in the field who believe they’re immune to any ghostly attempts at invading their space. Unfortunately, their ego tells them [...]

4 tips to encourage your child’s psychic ability

Thanks to regular reader, Holly, for suggesting this topic. Many times as an adult, I’ve wished I’d been more aware of my psychic sensitivity as a child, so that I could’ve strengthened this sense and been more attuned to my surroundings. “Children are usually very aware of the energy around them,” said Gail Hansen, psychic, [...]

ESP misconceptions #1: ESP is relatively rare.

Wrong! I bet you know someone with well-developed psychic abilities, but they keep their talents secret from you. After all, American society stigmatizes seers. Prior to working with the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, even I would’ve said they’re playing in Satan’s sandbox. Since I became vocal about my GFH experiences, I’ve had three friends [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00February 22nd, 2012|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Uncategorized|4 Comments
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