spiritual growth

You have what you need to thrive

There are times when life becomes so hard it can be difficult to get through it. I believe we’re on Earth to grow our souls in ways that are impossible to do so in the heavenly realms. But, to expand ourselves emotionally and spiritually, there are times we need help. The good news is that [...]

5 Spiritual myths revealed

Many hold stereotypes of what spiritually-oriented people are like. Some spiritual gurus may perpetuate these myths. In any case, here’s what I’ve found to be incorrect assumptions based on my experiences and those of my spiritually-driven friends. #1 Myth: When you’re spiritually evolved, you’re always serene and joyful. Truth: Life throws us curve balls. [...]

By |2024-05-03T11:51:06-07:00May 8th, 2024|Spirituality/Christianity|2 Comments

Experience the freedom of living without expectations

Living an expectation-filled life is not only tiring, it’s likely to let us down. However, when we trust that everything happens for divine reasons, we’ll find what is right with our day and marvel at where we are being led. This lesson had been a hard one for me. I had been drowning in the [...]

Life’s fragility has purpose

The Most Divine purposely made our earthly experiences contrast from those we had in heaven. The physical dimension rewards us with periods of elation through achievement and passion, while enriching each day with the amazing sensations of touch, scent and taste. However, nothing can challenge us like living in the material realm where loss and [...]

Our journeys are larger than ourselves

Working on our spirituality feels like a singular path, a private journey to increase our contentment while better sensing the Supreme Being. What most of us don’t realize is that as we lift ourselves up, we also raise those around us. And, when enough of us seek the Most Divine, we contribute to the [...]

By |2022-08-04T11:00:21-07:00August 10th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

Personal growth requires pain and peace

The most productive, rewarding lives come from balancing cycles of pain and comfort. Like blacksmiths use fire and water to shape metal, we need both pain and ease to transform our lives. It is only through surviving tough times and then recuperating afterwards where we are forged into the people we are meant to be. [...]

Ego can detour you from your life journey: Part 2

This is a continuation of last week's post.  Tactic #2: Ego tricks you into thinking it’s furthering your spirituality. Earlier this year, I decided that if my book business didn’t break even by the end of this year, I would stop writing blogs, making presentations and considering new book concepts. I told myself that [...]

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