
Accept the love others give to you

Love—the ultimate super power—dwells in each of us. We create this powerful energy every time we think of those most special to us. With each adoring thought, we transmit emotional, physical and mental healing to the object of our affection. Allowing love to do its magic. However, since we possess free will, we must consciously [...]

Enhance your ability to receive divine guidance through meditation

Each day, I set aside time to commune with the Universal Power by spending time in meditation. I believe that meditation allows me to create a quiet space where I can listen to God and its divine messengers. In this 11-minute video, I take you through the steps I use to tap into wisdom, love [...]

4 indicators that God is paranormal

The headline above would’ve sent me into a raging tizzy 10 years ago. Why? Because I viewed the paranormal as complete darkness, evil. A notion I believe many still hold today due to how the media portrays the unknown and how some churches preach that the supernatural is evil. The paranormal is defined as an [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00March 29th, 2017|Spirituality/Christianity|2 Comments

Handling the energies around you, part II

See last week’s post on “Handling the energies around you.” Prevent intentional/unintentional energy vampires from impacting you People may or may not know they’re draining you. Some are going through difficult times and all they see is that they feel better when they’re around you. When you’re aware someone is siphoning your energy, imagine a [...]

Handling the energies of people around you, part I

A few weeks ago, I wrote about protection from unseen entities, especially when investigating the paranormal. What I need more help with, though, is preserving my own energy from the people—both those I know and strangers—whom I encounter in my daily life. If you are sensitive, chances are that you don’t like large groups. The [...]

Divine protection is the safety belt for your spiritual well-being

Most wouldn’t consider it wise to walk alone down an alley at 1 a.m. and invite some scary fellow over to have a chat. So why do some ghost hunters engage in similarly risky behavior when they disregard the importance of protection and clearing? Over the years, I’ve seen it repeatedly: psychics and paranormal investigators [...]

Benefits of meditating away from civilization

My most productive meditations are when I’m immersed in nature, away from the emissions of our mechanized world. I reap more benefits from this outdoor practice than when I meditated inside my home. Why is it better for me? I’m more likely to: remain in this state more easily for a longer period of time, [...]

Create an awareness of the energies about you, then set your boundaries

It’s important to learn how to sense the spirits around you, so you can establish boundaries and retain control of your environment. Even without believing in these energies they may invade our space, affect our mood, health or sense of well-being. Photo courtesy of the New York Public Library. While it’s taken me [...]

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