
The key to experiencing the spiritual: Be open, but don’t force it

My most transformative encounters (spiritual, intuitive and paranormal) occurred when I wasn’t expecting them. I routinely hear from others desperately wanting to experience God or spirits who think that if they just focus more on it happening, it will. Unfortunately, this usually leads to the opposite. When we try too hard to feel the Creator, [...]

Spirits and angels are around you all the time. Claim your privacy.

One of the first “eeew” moments I experienced after my spirit encounters at the Goldfield Hotel was realizing energies are around us all the time, even when we feel we’re alone. The concept of entities spying on me completely unnerved me. Of course, my thoughts went to the times I’m in the bathroom. Gross! A [...]

Protect your body, your space when ghost hunting

When engaging the spirit world, it’s imperative to protect yourself from lower, darker energies. The sheer act of paranormal investigating invites spirits to our realm, so we need to ensure our well-being. I’ve known some in the field who believe they’re immune to any ghostly attempts at invading their space. Unfortunately, their ego tells them [...]

Benefits of meditating away from civilization

My most productive meditations are when I’m immersed in nature, away from the emissions of our mechanized world. I reap more benefits from this outdoor practice than when I meditated inside my home. Why is it better for me? I’m more likely to: remain in this state more easily for a longer period of time, [...]

Crossed over loved ones can visit us at any time

Just because we’ve never sensed the presence of a loved one who passed away years ago doesn’t mean they haven’t visited us in the past or won’t in the future. Some readers have told me they desperately want to encounter a family member or friend’s spirit, and they’re upset because it hasn’t happened. I believe [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:26-07:00July 22nd, 2015|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Develop your spirit radar: Is that energy good or evil?

Part One: Your attitude While I’ve been blessed from some encounters with spirits, I realize the dangers of courting the paranormal. As a Christian, I believe in the existence of evil in the afterlife. Since wickedness resides in our realm (look at the latest blood-thirsty dictator), it’s logical that negative energies dwell in the Other [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00June 13th, 2012|Ghost Hunting, Nevada, Uncategorized|8 Comments
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