
You are your body’s top expert; pay attention to it

Good health is a gift. Two of the most important aspects to maintaining wellness are knowing your body and paying attention to the signals it sends. While these may seem trivial, it can be tough to remember to do when facing challenges. After my miraculous healing in 2007, I resolved to respect my body and [...]

Afraid of missing an opportunity? If it’s meant to be, it’ll be obvious.

When I realize I'm stuck in a rut, I seek any clue to lift me out of it and propel me onward. Many times, I'm afraid I won't be paying enough attention and an important opportunity will pass me by. But it won't. If we are open to change and growth (and even sometimes when [...]

Divine protection is the safety belt for your spiritual well-being

Most wouldn’t consider it wise to walk alone down an alley at 1 a.m. and invite some scary fellow over to have a chat. So why do some ghost hunters engage in similarly risky behavior when they disregard the importance of protection and clearing? Over the years, I’ve seen it repeatedly: psychics and paranormal investigators [...]

Ghost hunting: 8 ways to attract positive spirits

One of the best experiences an investigator can have is interacting with affirming energies. While location can play a role in finding happy, inquisitive and kind entities, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of having an enjoyable encounter. They are: Have fun. Send out positivity. Create a lively atmosphere by singing, [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:13:39-07:00April 13th, 2016|Ghost Hunting, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Benefits of meditating away from civilization

My most productive meditations are when I’m immersed in nature, away from the emissions of our mechanized world. I reap more benefits from this outdoor practice than when I meditated inside my home. Why is it better for me? I’m more likely to: remain in this state more easily for a longer period of time, [...]

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